17 May 2010

Hip Joint Replacement Can Help Severe Arthritis Pain

SC Now

After years of work and play, and sometimes injuries or illnesses, some joints just wear out.  The years of wear and tear on joints can lead to arthritis and the pain and disability that go along with it.

The joints that bear the most weight are usually the ones to wear out first. The hips have a very great pressure across the joint because of the leverage action of the thigh muscles.

When a person’s doctor has determined that the joint damage is great enough and the symptoms severe enough, he may suggest a hip joint replacement in Dearborn. Usually, a person must have significant disability or uncontrollable pain before the operation is considered.

Hip joint surgery involves replacing the surfaces of the joint. A polyethylene socket is placed into the hip socket and the ball of the hip is replaced with a metal ball that is stabilized by a spike extending several inches down the thigh bone.

After surgery the person must be careful how he sits. He should not cross his legs for six weeks or there is a possibility of dislocating the joint.

Although the period of recovery and rehabilitation will take several months, the arthritis pain relief improves quickly with the surgery.

After Detroit hip replacement surgery a person can do almost anything he wishes, but in moderation because the prosthesis has the risk of loosening over 10 to 15 years if a person puts excessive stresses on the prosthesis.

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